Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

zombi in the land WIP

this is my personal work about a zombi and i have still do anoter char concept. i do this model fully from mudbox.

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

softies tvc

this is my tvc work at PT. Biang animation and  crew  

Dancing pack

the dancing pack. created using c4d , riging and model by suprianto. i just animated the scene folow the music :)

simple animation

this for nescafe company profile. simple animation, cup water and smoke is full in 3d, only bg is fit in affter effec

doll animation personal work

my personal work for doll animation

tvc works

this is tvc project at biang animation, name as winsor tower. here i create 3d model. lighting rendering and 3d partikel animation for waterfall and wil published soon

karakotoa + fume fx

just try fume an d karakatoa to create drift moving car

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

archi animation

3d kitchen set

this my worck for my old klien, they selling italian  kitchen set named arclinea so expensive kitchen set. they try to combine they kitchen set using diferent home. they have a rich klien.  one of them  is listed as 10 richies people in indonesia

old 3d interior n kitchen set and exterior

this abot my old archie work. some times  i do 3d arci interior n exterior. now i do 3d animation for movie n tvc but  this job part of learn to be 3d art's 

First 3d char

this is my fist char using 3d max n zebrush. i do this  to learn enything bout 3d model. try to do something that i was new to do. hope u like it :)